Petition- 5 days week in district offices like Secretariat
Today I filed a Petition in Allahabad High Court, Lucknow Bench as regards five days a week working scheme.
The petition says that the UP government introduced the five days working scheme on 30 October 2004 for “healthy work culture in administration, working efficiency and better productivity.” But this was limited only to Head of Department (HOD) offices and not to district offices. Thus Commandant PAC and SP offices work for six days while office of DG, PAC, DGP, UP and Home Department work for five days despite these offices having very similar job requirements, same nature of urgency and other job-profiles.
Hence the petition says that since 5 days week scheme was introduced for “healthy work culture in administration, working efficiency and better productivity”, hence it shall not be denied to anyone and division of offices for 5 day or 6 day working shall be based on functional requirements and not on whether an office is Head of Department office or not.
सचिवालय की तरह जिला कार्यालयों में 5 दिन कार्यदिवस हेतु याचिका
आज मैंने पांच दिवसीय कार्य सप्ताह के सम्बन्ध में इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट, लखनऊ बेंच में आज एक याचिका दायर किया है.
याचिका के अनुसार उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने 30 अक्टूबर 2004 को “प्रशासन में स्वस्थ कार्य संस्कृति के विकास, कार्य कुशलता एवं बेहतर उत्पादकता” हेतु पांच दिवसीय कार्य सप्ताह लागू किया था. लेकिन यह योजना मात्र विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालयों के लिए था, जनपदीय कार्यालयों के लिए नहीं. अतः पीएसी कमांडेंट तथा एसपी के कार्यालय छः दिवस कार्य करते हैं जबकि समान कार्य आवश्यकता वाले डीजी पीएसी, डीजीपी यूपी तथा गृह विभाग के कार्यालय पांच दिवस कार्य करते हैं.
याचिका के अनुसार चूँकि पांच दिवसीय कार्य सप्ताह “प्रशासन में स्वस्थ कार्य संस्कृति के विकास, कार्य कुशलता एवं बेहतर उत्पादकता” हेतु लागू किया, अतः यह किसी भी कर्मी को बिना पर्याप्त कारण के मना नहीं होना चाहिए तथा 5 अथवा 6 दिनों का निर्धारण कार्य की आवश्यकता के आधार पर होना चाहिए, मात्र विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय होने अथवा नहीं होने के कारण नहीं.
Amitabh Thakur
# 094155-34526
Copy of the Petition---
In the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at
Allahabad, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow
Writ petition No- of 2013 (M/B)
Thakur and another
of UP and others Respondents
S No
Description of documents relied upon
Page No
List of Dates and Events (separate)
Memo of Writ Petition
Annexure No 1
Copy of the Government order dated 30/10/2004 passed by the State of Uttar Pradesh |
Annexure No 2
Copy of Office Memorandum dated 21/05/1985 passed by Government of India |
Photo Identity of the Petitioner
Lucknow Asok
Dated- 19/12/2013 Counsel for Petitioner
# 94154-65438
Dated- 19/12/2013 Counsel for Petitioner
# 94154-65438
In the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at
Allahabad, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow
Writ petition No- of 2013 (M/B)
Thakur and another Petitioners
of UP and others Respondent
No Date Event
1. 30/04/2004 Government Order as
regards five-day
schedule passed
The respondent, State
of Uttar Pradesh passed a Government Order (GO, for short) dated 30/10/2004 whereby
Five-day work schedule per week was initiated in the State of Uttar Pradesh.
But this GO extends only to the so-called Head of the Department offices
(Vibhagadhyaksh Karyalaya) and not to other offices. Such a distinction as
regards the number of working days per week by the respondent between the two
kinds of the offices- Vibhagadhyaksh Karyalaya and others, comes as being not
based of any proper application of mind and is hence improper and arbitrary. The
petitioners are presently posted to an office which is not Head of the
Department office (Vibhagadhyaksh Karyalaya) and are personally affected by
this GO and hence they challenges this GO as affected parties. Hence this Writ
Lucknow Asok
Dated- 19/12/2013 Counsel for Petitioner
# 94154-65438
Dated- 19/12/2013 Counsel for Petitioner
# 94154-65438
In the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at
Allahabad, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow
Writ petition No- of 2013 (M/B)
1. Amitabh Thakur, aged about 45 years, son of Sri T N
Thakur r/o 5/426, Viram Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
2. Satish Kumar Singh aged about 35 years, son of Late
Uday Bhan Singh r/o 2/4, PAC Colony, 20 Bn, PAC, Azamgarh------ Petitioners
1. State of Uttar Pradesh through the Principal
Secretary, General Administration Department, Civil Secretariat, Lucknow
2. State of Uttar Pradesh through the Principal
Secretary, Home Department, Civil Secretariat, Lucknow
3. Director General of Police, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow------ Respondents
Writ Petition under Article 226
of the Constitution of India
The Hon’ble Chief Justice and His other Hon’ble
companion Judges of the aforesaid Court:
The humble petition of the above named petitioners
most respectfully begs to submit as under
That by means of this
petition being filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, the
petitioners are invoking the extraordinary jurisdiction vested in this Hon’ble
Court praying before this Hon’ble Court to kindly issue a writ of mandamus
directing the appropriate respondents to
incorporate the office of the Commandant, 20th Battalion, Provincial
Armed Constabulary (PAC, for short), Azamgarh and all other offices of the Police Department in Uttar Pradesh where
the two petitioners can be and are generally posted, with such exceptions as it
deems fit in the Five-days working per week scheme initiated in the State of
Uttar Pradesh through the Government order (GO, for short) dated 20/10/2004 issued
by the General Administration Department (GAD, for short) and to extend this
provision to all such cases as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit.
The petitioners declare that they have not filed any other
Writ petition before the Hon’ble Court either at Allahabad or its Lucknow bench
pertaining to the subject matter and/ or for the relief prayed for in the
instant writ petition and it is further declared that in respect of the same
subject, no caveat notice has been received by the petitioners.
A copy of the GO dated 20/10/2004 issued by GAD is
being attached as Annexure No 1.
2. That the petitioners are presently posted to 20th
Battalion, PAC, Azamgarh in various capacities. Petitioner No 1 is working as
Commandant of the Battalion while petitioner No 2 is the Head Clerk of the
Commandant office. They are personally affected by this matter and hence
present this matter as an affected party.
3. That in India six-days per week working scheme had
long been followed, including in the State of Uttar Pradesh. 5 days week was
introduced for the first time by the Government of India through an Office
Memorandum dated 21/05/1984 issued by Department of Personnel and Training. It
said that the Government of India has considered the question of introduction
of 5 days week in administrative offices “in the context of improving
efficiency in administration” and “taking into consideration all aspects of the
proposal”, it was pleased to introduce 5 days week in the civil administration
offices of the Government of India. Accordingly the office timings were amended
suitably to compensate for the loss of working hours due to one additional
off-day. A copy of the OM dated 21/05/1984 is being attached as Annexure No 2.
4. That later the State of Uttar Pradesh also adopted
this five-day week concept. A GO dated 30/10/2004 (Annexure No 1) was passed by
GAD Department of the UP Government with subject- “उत्तर प्रदेश के विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालयों में पांच दिवसीय कार्य सप्ताह लागू
किया जाना”. It
said-“प्रशासन में स्वस्थ कार्य
संस्कृति के विकास, कार्य कुशलता एवं बेहतर उत्पादकता सुनिश्चित करने के उद्देश्य
से सम्यक विचारोपरांत उत्तर प्रदेश के सभी विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालयों में (शिक्षण,
बैंकिंग संस्थाओं तथा उत्पादकता से जुड़े सरकारी विभाग, वाणिज्यिक उपक्रमों को
छोड़कर) पांच दिवसीय कार्य सप्ताह लागू किये जाने का निर्णय लिया गया है”, that is, five-day week
working scheme was being introduced in all Head of the Department offices, with
exceptions like Educational and Banking institutions, production related
government departments, commercial enterprises etc for the purpose of “healthy
work culture in administration, working efficiency and better productivity.”
5. That with this GO, five-day
week was introduced in certain offices of UP Government which come under the
category of Head of the Department office (Vibhagadhyaksha office) while it
remained the same in all other offices.
6. That the petitioners’ office, Commandant PAC Azamgarh office, which is not a Head of the
Department office has six working days per
7. That this is the situation in many other places.
When the petitioner No 1 was SP, Economic Offences Wing, Meerut before his
appointment as SP, Rules and Manuals, UP, Lucknow he had a six-days week office.
Similarly he had six days week office as SP, Intelligence Department, Faizabad.
But as SP, Rules and Manuals, he had five-day week office.
8. That similarly the petitioner
No 2 was posted in offices of SP Maharajganj and SP Deoria before getting
posted here. At both these places there were six-day week.
9. That it is kindly prayed that this division of
offices as five-day week and six-day week schedule, where five-day week is for
Vibhagadhyaksha karyalaya (with a few exceptions) and six-day week for others,
does not seem to stand on the test of logical and judicial scrutiny and seems
to have been formulated without proper application of mind.
That in the case of petitioners,
the Commandant PAC Azamgarh office has six-day schedule while that of the
Director General of PAC (DG, PAC for short), has five-day schedule. It can be
easily seen and appreciated that the office of the Commandant PAC and DG, PAC
does not stand much different from each other as far as the nature of work,
work requirement and job profile are concerned, except that the DG PAC office
is Office of the Head of the Department while Commandant PAC, Azamgarh office
is not. Whatever is the nature of work for the DG, PAC office holds true to
quite some extent to the Commandant, PAC office as well. It cannot be denied
that the work of PAC is of such a nature that there is inherent sense of
urgency in it. It being a matter of law and order, no one can predict for sure,
how and when the need for deployment of PAC will arise. Whenever the need comes
for PAC deployment, it has to be done then and there.
That these facts are so
apparent that they cannot and shall not be denied. But what is of importance to
note is that this urgency and immediate responsiveness exists as much for the
DG, PAC office as it exists for the Commandant, PAC office. On the contrary, in
the current scheme of things, the responsibilities on the DG, PAC office are
probably much more higher than that of Commandant, PAC office because the
actual deployment schemes are prepared not by the Commandant, PAC office but by
the DG, PAC office. Thus, not only the routine PAC deployments but even the
sudden needs arising for PAC all over the State and outside are intimated by
the Home Department, respondent No 2 and the DGP office, respondent No 3 not
directly to the concerned PAC Commandant office but to the DG, PAC office which
subsequently decides which PAC companies from which PAC Battalions are to be
moved and in what manner. Thus, the first channel in this process and
definitely much more important than the Commandant PAC office, which only has
to get the order complied, is the DG PAC office which has to immediately decide
over what to do whenever demand for PAC deployment is made.
That despite this fact
the DG, PAC office is a five-day week office while the petitioners’ office is a
six-day week office.
That here is kindly
prayed that when the petitioners talk of the Commandant, PAC office they are
not talking of the PAC personnel deployed in the fields or otherwise, they are
only talking of the office of the Commandant, PAC Azamgarh which has with it
the managerial work as regards the PAC personnel posted in the Battalion,
including ensuring their deployment as per the directions of the DG PAC office,
Human Resource management aspects like their service matters, welfare schemes, personnel
grievances etc, monetary and financial aspects like budgetary expenditure and
personnel pay and perks, infrastructural works like building construction,
purchase of requisite paraphernalia etc. Almost the same work is done by the
DG, PAC office as well, which in addition also has to undertake the immediate
and urgent work of deciding about deployment of PAC companies to different
places as per the needs and to intimate about this to the PAC Battalions,
including PAC Azamgarh.
That if the matter is
taken slightly further, PAC works under the command and control of the DGP, UP (respondent
No 3) who is the head of the entire police force in the State. Thus DGP, UP
office is the supervisory office of the petitioners, though it generally
exercises its control through the DG, PAC office. DGP, UP office has not only
the work of controlling the PAC, it also has the work of round-the-clock
monitoring of the entire police force of UP. It is needless to say that other
than such slightly static and less-urgent jobs like human resource management,
long term planning, budgetary allotments, infrastructural measures and
decisions, statistical analysis of crime etc, the DGP, UP office also has such
assignments which need to be done on Real-time basis, where not a single minute
can be wasted to react. This obviously includes crime and offence, particularly
the serious and heinous crimes of State level and National importance, law and
order disturbances like communal and caste conflicts and huge Bandobast duties
like Kumbh Mela, VIP programs and so on. But other than this, there are also no
less urgent works like public grievance redressal where people all over the
State come with their problems associated with police and policing, many of
which are extremely urgent in nature and need to be attended then and there.
That again the DGP, UP
office works under the broader direction and supervision of the Home
Department, respondent No 2, which has no less responsibilities, job-profile
and job-assignments than the DGP, UP office. If at all, the Home Department has
possibly even more urgent functioning because many times the Ministry of Home
Affairs, Government of India and other State Governments interact directly with
the Home Department.
That but it is quite
bewildering that while the Commandant, PAC office works for six days, the DG
PAC office, the DGP, UP office and the Home Department work on five days week
schedule as per the GO dated 30/10/2004 because they are Vibhagadhyaksha
That from the facts
presented above, it is quite obvious that this kind of differentiation/differential
treatment between the petitioners’ office and the other above-mentioned office
does not seem to have any logic and rationale and has been made on an arbitrary
basis of an office being Head of the Department office or not, instead of the
real, actual and truthful assessment based on the job requirement, job content
and functional needs.
That it also does not
seem to make sense that when the UP Government adopted five-day week for the purpose of “healthy work
culture in administration, working efficiency and better productivity” just
like the Government of India introducing it “in the
context of improving efficiency in administration” after “taking into
consideration all aspects of the proposal”, a distinction was made between the
petitioners’ office and other offices like DG PAC, DGP UP and Home Department which
have much greater importance and relevance as far as urgency, emergency and immediate
response is concerned and thus the personnel working in the petitioners’ office
including the petitioners were discriminated vis-à-vis personnel in the
above-mentioned offices and thereby denied the “healthy work culture in administration, working
efficiency and better productivity” intended for others placed in quite similar
That it is also kindly
prayed that the petitioners had to suffer such discrimination even in other
places of posting. When Petitioner No 1 was posted as SP, Intelligence,
Faizabad, his office worked on six-day week scheme while the State level
Intelligence office worked on five-day week scheme, despite the fact that as
explained in the above Para, the office of SP, Intelligence, Faizabad is
definitely less critical and importance as compared to the State Intelligence
Headquarters which deals with Intelligence inputs not only from one place like
Faizabad but with Intelligence inputs from all over the State. Thus, there
could be many opportunities where nothing of significance happens in Faizabad
unit of Intelligence Department but very critical and urgent happenings take
place in other units, say Allahabad or Meerut or Kanpur. Yet, it is surprising
to note that while all these regional Intelligence units work on six-day basis,
the State Intelligence Headquarters which collates all these information at a
much larger scale and coordinates the activities of all these regional units needs
to work for five-days week scheme. Similarly when the petitioner No 1 was
posted as SP, Economic Offences Wing (EOW, for short), Meerut the same
dichotomy existed between the regional units and the State Headquarters at
Lucknow. The job-profile in EOW was quite different from that of PAC or
Intelligence where the criticality and urgency was much lesser because the
agency is assigned such enquiries and investigations where long-term serious
planning is needed. The investigations are mostly document based and
office-oriented where one has to obtain these documents from various offices
and take oral evidence of government officials. It is very rare that any arrest
is to be made on urgency basis and the investigations move on a routine and definite
place, because the emphasis is not on speed but on accuracy and definitiveness.
In serious cases of economic offences, no hurried act can be tolerated and
hence the investigations are done in a very thorough manner where the
investigating officer needs to get approval of senior officers of the State
Headquarters at Lucknow for almost all the major policy measures. Here, the
job-profile and job-urgency at the regional units like Meerut and Kanpur are
almost exactly alike that in the EOW Headquarters and it is also quite
different from the hurried and urgent job-profile of DG, PAC office, DGP, UP
office or the Home Department. Yet, in this case also, a distinction has been
made between the regional units like EOW office Meerut, EOW office Kanpur etc
and the EOW Headquarters, Lucknow.
That what holds true
for petitioner No 1 holds in equal measures for petitioner No 2. If he is
posted as clerk in PAC office or district superintendent office, he has
six-days a week schedule but if he gets posted at DGP, UP office, DG, PAC
office, Police Headquarters, Allahabad and many other State Headquarters
office, he has five days a week work scheme. As explained in details, this does
seem improper and incorrect and needs to be corrected immediately.
That though none of the
direct concern to the petitioners, it is also kindly brought before the notice
of this Hon’ble Court that the same situation exists in almost all the other
Government Departments, other than Police/Home Department, where one finds the
district officers like District Sales Tax officer, District Excise Officer,
District Transport officer, District Sports officer, District Education
officer, Basic Shiksha Adhikari, Chief Medical Officer and others having six
days a week schedule but the offices of their Departmental Heads like the State
Sales Tax Commissioner, State Excise Commissioner, State Transport
Commissioner, State Sports Director, State Basic Shiksha Director and so on and
so forth having five days week scheme. Similarly, all the Departments in the
State government consisting of the Principal Secretaries, Secretaries and other
subordinate staff also have five-days a week scheme. This does not seem to make
sense for two reasons- (a) not all these departments are equal in their need
and functioning particularly on the parameter of urgency and immediate
reaction. While some district department officers like that of Transport,
Excise, Revenue, Health etc might be needed on much urgent basis where not much
response time could be given, in other departments like Statistical department,
Sales Tax, Basic Shiksha, Sports etc the sense of urgency could be much
lower (b) in many of these departments,
whatever urgency there is in the districts, it is more or less the same, if not
more, in the State headquarters as well as the concerned Government
Departments. If at all, the situation in State headquarters is bound to be more
demanding and urgent because here there is not only a need for coordination and
control from all over the State, even the public complaints and grievances pour
in not from a limited district but from the entire State. Thus though not
always true, but the general rule is that the Departments which have hurried
and urgent works at district levels have similar nature of works at the State
headquarter levels and concerned departments as well and vice-versa the
laid-back and relaxed departments in districts also have almost equally
laid-back State headquarters.
That despite these
ground realities, the situation is that while the concerned Departments in the
State government and the Departmental State headquarters have five-day week,
the district offices have six-days week schedule.
That for all the above
facts and reasons mentioned above, this does not seem to make sense because if five-day
week schedule is needed for the purpose of “healthy work culture in
administration, working efficiency and better productivity”, it should have
been the same policy for all such offices which have the same kind of work
content and job profile. But as seen above, the present situation is that while
district offices with similar work-content are six-day week, the State
Headquarters are five-day week and in all such cases as well the decision seems
to have been made on incorrect basic of an office being Head of Department
office or not, instead of the real functional needs and job requirements.
That it seems obvious that if five-days week
schedule helps build “healthy work culture in administration, working
efficiency and better productivity”, the district level officers should also
have been given the same as their counter-parts in the State headquarters, more
so when their job-content and job-profile is not much different.
That similarly, the petitioners in their present
assignment at Commandant, PAC, Azamgarh office shall be given the same 5 day schedule
in the interest of “healthy work culture in administration, working efficiency
and better productivity” if the same has been found suitable and appropriate for
their superior offices like the DG PAC office, DGP UP office and the Home
Department who have definitely much larger responsibilities of much urgent and
immediate nature.
That this being a
matter related with Human Rights, right to life with dignity under Article 21
and also a matter related with improper discrimination being people placed in
identical conditions and hence being against Article 14 which demands “equality
among equals” and having no any officious and effective alternative remedy in
these circumstances, this writ petition is being filed under Article 226 of the
Constitution of India on the following amongst other grounds
That the petitioner’s
photograph and Identity proof have been enclosed along with
Because the GO dated 20/10/2004 (Annexure No 1) introduced five-day week schedule
for its personnel working in Head of the Department offices
Because this scheme was adopted for the purpose of “healthy work culture in
administration, working efficiency and better productivity”
Because similarly like the Government of India introduced five-day week
scheme “in the context of improving efficiency in administration” after “taking
into consideration all aspects of the proposal”
Because but this scheme
has been limited not to Vibhagadhyaksha karyalaya
Because distinction
between the five day and six day week scheme has been made in various offices not
on the basis of the functional requirement, actual job profile and nature of
job but on artificial basis of an office being Head of the Department office or
not and is hence arbitrary and thus in contravention to Article 14
Because due to such
arbitrary distinction of offices for five day and six day week schemes many
anomalies have erupted including the one suffered by the petitioners where they
are put in six day week scheme despite other rigorous, urgent and important
offices like office of DG PAC, DGP UP and Home Department being put in five day
week scheme
Because it goes against
the basic Human Rights of the petitioners and also infringes upon the right to
life with dignity as enshrined under Article 21, because 5 day week was
introduced exactly for having a more dignified living condition for the UP
government employees
Because it also goes
against Article 14 which guarantees “equality among equals” because the
petitioners placed in quite identical conditions as those working in DG PAC,
DGP UP and Home Department offices and no less urgent and immediately needed
work structure and job requirement are being treated differently
Wherefore, it is most respectfully prayed that this
Hon’ble Court may be pleased to-
Kindly issue a writ of mandamus
directing the appropriate respondents to
incorporate/add the office of the Commandant, 20th Battalion,
Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC, for short), Azamgarh and all other
offices of the Police Department in
Uttar Pradesh where the two petitioners can be and are generally posted, with
such exceptions as it deems fit as per the functional requirements after proper
application of mind, in the Five-days working per week scheme initiated in the
State of Uttar Pradesh through the Government order dated 20/10/2004 issued by
the General Administration Department (Annexure No 1)
Kindly issue a writ of mandamus
directing the appropriate respondents to
incorporate such other offices of the State government and its
instrumentalities, with such exceptions as it deems fit as per the functional
requirements after proper application of mind, in the Five-days working per
week scheme initiated in the above Government order dated 20/10/2004, while
using its extraordinary power vested under Article 226 of the Constitution, as
this Hon’ble Court may deem fit in the interest of justice, though the two
petitioners not being personally affected in these cases
any other order in
favour of the petitioner’s cause, in the interest of justice, as this Hon’ble
Court deems fit
Lucknow Asok
Dated- 19/11/2013 Counsel
for Petitioners
# 94154-65438
# 94154-65438
In the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at
Allahabad, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow
Writ petition No- of 2013 (M/B)
Thakur and another Petitioners
of UP and others Respondents
Satish Kumar Singh, aged about 35 years, s/o Late Uday Bhan Singh, r/o 2/4, PAC
Colony, 20 Bn, PAC, Azamgarh, religion- Hinduism, profession- Government
service, Education- B A, the deponent,
do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under-
That the deponent is petitioner
No 2 in the above noted petition and as such he is fully conversant with the
facts and circumstances of the case, deposed to hereunder. He states on oath that
he is filing this Affidavit on behalf of respondent No 1 as well.
That the contents of
the paragraphs 1
of the Writ
petition are true to my personal knowledge,
based on documents and records and believed to be
true and
are based on legal advice.
That all the Annexures
No 1 to 2 attached with the Writ
Petition are a true copy of their original ones
Lucknow (Satish
Kumar Singh)
Date- 19 /11/2013 Deponent
the deponent above named, do hereby verify that the contents of paragraphs 1 to
3 above this Affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge and belief. No part
of it is false and nothing material has been concealed. So, help me God
and verified this the day
of 2013 at Lucknow
identify the deponent, on the basis of records produced before me, who has
signed before me.
affirmed me on at
am/pm by
the deponent Satish Kumar Singh, who has been identified by Sri clerk to Sri ,
Advocate, high court, Lucknow Bench, Lucknow
have satisfied myself by examining the deponent that he understands the
contents of this Affidavit which have been read over and explained to him by me
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